The Common Denominator Report edited from the March meetings where “Violence towards Women” were discussed was released in a press conference at the TGNA. The host was AKP İstanbul MP Nursuna Memecan.
The Common Denominator Report edited from the March meetings where “Violence towards Women” were discussed was released in a press conference at the TGNA. The host was AKP İstanbul MP Nursuna Memecan.
The press conference was held on the 23 of March at 11:00 where Nursuna Memecan declared her support for the TsNA project initiated by Şanar Yurdatapan as the effort to establishment democracy.
Memecan also told of her participation in İstanbul meeting of the sNA and observed that there are more to be done about violence against women. MP also stated her wish for the media’s continuing interest on the issue and that there has to be shelter houses with even more amenities.
Oya Özden who spoke after Nursuna Memecan informed about the numerical data on the report.